
先週の日曜日には、おおしろキッズ全体主催のハロウィーン・イベントを開きました。このイベントに来た小学生の大半は、間違いなく英語に触れたことがあり、アクティビティで英語を使うことに全く抵抗がないようでした。 おおしろキッズ英語教室の生徒たちも数名参加してくれました。彼らは堂々と、大きな声で、自信に満ち溢れた英語でコミュニケーションをとり、他の参加者の英語にもまったく臆することはなく成功感を感じていたとおもいます。僕の生徒たちを改めて誇らしく思いました。
Happy November!
One of the busiest times of the year for any English teacher is the Halloween season. Oshiro Kids' second Halloween is now finished and from today we’re heading towards the second busiest time of year, Christmas. While both Halloween and Christmas can be fun for kids, I'm personally not a big fan of them because in Japan the social hype surrounding these Western culturally imported events can last two months or more, taking necessary attention away from traditional Japanese culture. This is why at Oshiro Kids we give only one week to each event. We also realize that we can have plenty of fun without the need to prepare typical Halloween costumes, replacing them with AI generated ones for photos.
In spite of our moderate and modest treatment of Halloween, our students still enjoyed it, used English and felt success.
Last Sunday we had a general Halloween party, which we opened up to kids other than our own students. The majority of elementary school children who came to this party definitely had had previous experience with English, and there was no reluctance at all to use it during the activities. I was so very proud of the small handful of Oshiro Kids students who were also in attendance. They communicated in English proudly, very effectively, and in big voices, oozing with confidence. They were not at all intimidated by the English of the other participants. Our students utilized their weekly experience of genuine English communication and had tremendous fun.
It’s now November. Please expect the continuation of these weekly classroom experiences for all students until (and during) the next big event, Christmas Week!