Be nice to be happyの力

英語教室の約束の一つでもある「Be nice」。お友達に対しても、先生に対しても、物に対しても「Be nice(優しく)」というコンセプトはおおしろキッズ全体でも共通です。
施設の方もハッピーにできました。僕もとてもハッピーです。おおしろキッズの子どもをとても誇りに思います!Good job!
Our Autumn Camp can proudly be labeled a success. While our students enjoyed the activities we had planned, they were experiencing an ongoing education encouraging Mindfulness.
The school is actively promoting the concept of simply “being nice”, to people, to nature and to things.
Another concept actively being promoted is the creation of an environment where “Everyone is happy”, thereby removing selfishness from the environment.
The result of this education was evident at the camp. This photo captures the moment when one our students arranged the bathroom slippers nicely, totally without being asked.
After our cooking activity, one student very kindly offered to help a different group wash their dishes!
And at the end of the camp, all of our rooms were totally spotless, prompting a comment from a facility supervisor: “Fantastic!” We are very proud of all the students at Oshiro Kids, and we hope you are too!