
生徒たちは大きく2つのカテゴリーに分けられます。 「自分はまだ全然英語が使えない」と思い込んでいる子どもと、「自分は結構英語が使える」と信じて教室に来ている子どもです。この2組の子どもたちのうち、授業中に英語を多く使うのはどちらでしょうか?
「Believe in Yourself」
Our students fall loosely into two categories: Those who believe they can’t use English yet, and those who come to the classroom believing that they can already use English. Which of the two sets of students use more of the language in class? Clearly those students who carry the belief of “I can already use English” produce more in class.
In class, all of our students go through the same experiences, the same activities, the same opportunities, and the same challenges. The students who believe in themselves benefit fully from these experiences.
If all students could believe in themselves as much as I believe in them, they would find even more success in class.